Volume 1 Issue 1  |Emulation's Most Petulant News Source  |10 August 2000 .

MAMEDEV destroys Tokyo in destructive rampage.
Exodus3D produces MAME Flash animation that takes longer to download than the actual ROM.
Conjurer sets record by saying "blame lev" 10,000 times.
Emucult revealed to be a bunch of people nobody's ever heard of and who don't realize what morons they look like.


  News In Brief
Lev buys OfficeMax chain with Emulation World banner profits

JEFFERSON CITY, MO--With stock prices at an all-time low 4.75, OfficeMax was ripe for a hostile takeover.  3 days later, vengeful ex-employee "Lev" bought it outright with the profits he has made off of other people's hard work.  "Now we'll see who's boss."  was the only remark to be heard from him.  Other recent purchases by the mogul include every arcade and console game ever made, so he can download and play any ROM without fear of reprisal.

Lance McCay pioneers new "update once per year" plan in news reporting
OCCUPIED GERMANY--Famous creator of the now-ironically titled EmuXpress; Lance McCay, stunned the world by actually posting an update.  "It was an accident really... One night I drunkenly stumbled over to the computer and banged out a few sentences.  In my confused state, I believed I was still the maintainer of a popular, often-visited site.", said the creator.  Next on Lance's agenda is to go into hiding for 6 months, occasionally popping into #retrogames and not saying anything.

Emuchrist and VintageGaming boards declare war on each other for no obvious reason
LAKE BLUFF, IL--Two of the more popular discussion forums, VintageGaming and Emuchrist are locked in a constant battle of insults and guerilla activity, despite the fact that they are both guilty of the exact same proclivities.  Both boards are filled with complaints about how the opposing site bans anyone who doesn't agree with them, and mentions how childish the other side is for calling them silly names.  Board moderators TuxedoMask and Toxiccreep (both with 10 letters and start with 't') apparently have selective amnesia, accusing each other of deleting posts despite the fact that they both do it regularly.

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