The Onion 2 August 2000

Opi to Simultanously Report News For Every Emulation Webpage

A.P. -- Emu news reporter Opi became news himself when he announced this week he would be reporting the news for every single emulation site out there.  "After writing for Emucamp, I joined up with Geoshock, and then to Retrogames.  After that it was just a matter of time before I went ahead and wrote for everyone." said Opi in a carefully planned press conference.

Some pundits are up in arms over the announcement, claiming this move will cause a bland conformity among the noted sites.  The participating webmasters, however, are apparently not concerned.

"All of our websites were looking the same anyways, so I don't see a problem.", notes Arcade@home owner Tim Eckel.  "This leaves me free to concentrate on adding more and more banners throughout my site."

"Blame lev", added Eckel.

Atila Mert, owner of Retrogames, agrees: "I must compulsively download one gigabyte of pornography per day.  If it weren't for Opi helping out with the news, I don't know how I'd manage.  Hey, you want to see a woman with 3 breasts?"

Screenshots of three of the major newsites after Opi's takeover.
There is no truth to the rumor that the rightmost will be renamed "Opicamp".
<| The Onion 2 August 2000 .